Gorgeous Intelligent Ravishing Lovable is what my definition for myself!!!!
I am a GIRL!
One of the best Compliments I received till now in my Life is "you look much girly girly!!" I really don't know if any dictionary has the word-'girly' but I love that word the most..
I struggle,I strive...
I care,I love....
No matter how many obstacles I have!
I may hesitate sometimes,I may be wrong many a times..
I accept and apologize...
I sacrifice,I advise..
I am known for my Beauty and Elegance..
I always bear everything with patience..
No matter,even if the world rejects me..
No matter if social networking comments me...
I am the reason for beginning of a life!
I am flexible and adorable...
I am happy and responsible..
I think of everyone around me all the time..
No matter if i am not recognized many times..
I take up my duties....
As a mother..as a wife..
as a sister...as a daughter..
as a friend..as a stranger..
I am always there to share my love...I am here to give my life!
I am here to lead,guide and inspire the WORLD!
Happy Women's Day!